Why we do it
Everything we do is for the glory of Jesus
Everything we do is for the glory of Jesus
What we believe

One God, Three Persons
We believe in one holy sovereign God, the creator of all, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who act together in grace.

We follow Jesus because we love him
Jesus tells us that if we love him we will keep his commandments, this means that Jesus is Lord of our entire lives. Christians call his holiness.

The Bible is the word of God
The bible was written through divine inspiration and holds authority in all matters of faith and conduct. When the the bible clearly communicates something it is the final authority.

We all sin and need God
Everyone sins and falls short of God’s Holy standards. Sin is a barrier to a healthy relationship with God and we cannot fix this relationship by ourselves.

Jesus removes all barriers
We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and not by our own efforts or works. Through his redemptive work on the cross he bridged the gap between God and man, so that those who are restored through Christ are held blameless.

Everyone makes a choice
Every person make the choice to follow Jesus or to reject Jesus. Those who have sinned and whom have to pay the price themselves have eternal separation from him in hell. Those who accept Jesus, and follow him spend eternity with him.

The Holy Spirit is making us more like Jesus
The Holy Spirit is at work today in the lives of those who follow Jesus, making us more like him. He empowers christians to live extra-ordinary godly lives that honour God.

We are one church
We are one global church family. This means that there is one body, one spirit, one hope, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all.

Jesus is coming back
There comes a time where no-one can work anymore. Jesus will physically return to us, in power and great glory. All those who follow Christ will be reunited in the kingdom of God.

The time is now
There is an urgency to tell people about Jesus, as people who die without Jesus will go to hell. Therefore through love and grace we need an urgency within the church to share the gospel and to go to the ends of the world proclaiming him.