What we do

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Calvary Ministries CAPRO is an international non-denominational MISSION AGENCY that started in Nigeria, in 1975. Our primary focus and commitment is making disciples among the 7,052 UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS worldwide. This has been our commitment for the last 47 years.

The night cometh when no man can work

John 9:4

Our strategy for world evangelization is embedded in the word of the Master. “…. Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19 NIV)

A vision for 2025

To see indigenous, autonomous, and self-propagating communities of believers among unreached people groups of Africa and the rest of the World.

Church Plants
Additional Missionaries
Additional Countries
Now-reached groups

Empowered through the Holy Spirit, with human participation through

50,000 new partners

Refreshed Operations


Our mission is to identify unreached people groups of Africa and the rest of the World, and in partnership with the Church, mobilise, train, and send workers to preach and teach the holistic Gospel of Jesus Christ until an indigenous, autonomous, and self-propagating body of believers emerges.

A brief history

Calvary Ministries, popularly known as CAPRO, is the acronym for Calvary Productions which was her original name, started as a spontaneous outreach to the Muslims of Northern Nigeria in 1975. What was meant to be a short-term outreach in Zaria City by a group of young zealous evangelists has grown to become an international non-denominational Missions Agency with over 700 missionaries from 26 countries and with operations in 40 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, America, and Asia.

CAPRO missionaries are known for their devotion to Jesus, commitment to the Word of God, passion for the lost, and their expectation for the Lord’s return. The missionaries believe that the fulfillment of the mission’s mandate requires sacrifice and consecration. It is to this end that the missionaries have dumped their career pursuit and ambition so that the unreached ethnic groups of the world will have the opportunity to hear about Jesus before the Lord’s return

Recruit and Train

We Develop CAPRO’s current and potential workforce through spiritually targeted and robust training programs that continually ensues multiplication of equipped and motivated human capital to impact churches for global missions

We Plant churches

We send cross-cultural workers to plant indigenous, autonomous churches among (verified) unreached people groups of the world.

Transform Communities

Spiritually through the gospel and physically with examples such as Water, Sanitation, hygiene, disaster relief, emergency response, Community church mobilization project (CCMP) etc.


From unreached people groups (UPGS) to staff matters. The reports of our researchers pave way for our global goals we look forward to achieving them year to year with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Bible Translation

We conduct research and develop the heart language of UPGs. Produce materials and teach them to use the materials for effective holistic church planting and growth.


We mobilize the body of Christ and other Christian organizations in order to raise human and financial resources to reach our target unreached people groups (UPGS)